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  1. Если присмотреться повнимательней, то можно обнаружить, что на знаке написано Earl Cadаgоn, а не Earl Cadogan.
  2. №4118 - номер ложи Адрес ложи можно найти по линку - (3-ий сверху) - https://books.google.com/books?id=0URfAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA80&lpg=PA80&dq=earl+cadogan+lodge+4118&source=bl&ots=taaa-MP3dL&sig=WDtcfFi-zIxMC_KnOm8vhTDWzPQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjy4NfB45HLAhVGPT4KHWipBbUQ6AEIJzAD#v=onepage&q=earl%20cadogan%20lodge%204118&f=false Знак вручён за исполнение обязанностей находясь на должности. PG - предположительно означает- Past Grand Дополнительная информация A http://www.freemasonry.london.museum/os/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/The-Oddfellows1.pdf
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  4. http://www.pythias.org/index.php?option=co...apper&Itemid=41
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  6. R.M.I.G. R.M.I.B. после 1985 года The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys - http://www.rmtgb.org/ The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys is a charity funded by Freemasons which aims to relieve poverty and advance education for children and young people. In addition to our main grant-making work, we also support young people with exceptional talents and those who need financial assistance in order to embrace life-changing opportunities. http://www.rmtgb.org/supportus/festivals What are Festivals? Each year one of the Masonic Provinces concludes a Festival in support of our work. In the years leading up to the Festival, an Appeal is held in the Province. The members of the Province, led by the Provincial Grand Master, are encouraged to support us throughout the Appeal. In most cases the Appeal will have lasted for around five years and will have involved a great deal of hard work on the part of the members of the Province. The money raised during the Appeal makes a significant contribution to our income and allows us to continue our life-changing work. At the Festival, traditionally attended by Festival Stewards and their wives or partners, the total raised by the Province is announced in the presence of one of the High Rulers. Traditionally, the Festival event will also feature speeches by the Provincial Grand Master, our President and the High Ruler as well as a range of entertainment and a formal drinks reception and dinner. Current Festivals The following Masonic Provinces are currently holding a Festival Appeal to support our work: · 2012 Devonshire · 2013 Monmouthshire · 2014 Lincolnshire · 2015 Bedfordshire · 2016 Hampshire and Isle of Wight · 2017 North Wales · 2018 Nottinghamshire We are extremely grateful to the Freemasons and their families in these Provinces who continue to give so generously. http://www.rmtgb.org/supportus/festivals/2012 Devonshire 2012 Festival | In 2012, the Province of Devonshire will conclude a Festival in support of our work. Launch: 24 October 2007 Festival Event: 17 November 2012, Riviera Centre, Torquay Festival President: Michael T. Penny, Provincial Grand Master, Devonshire Support the Festival Become a Festival Steward A Freemason can qualify to become a Festival Steward by making a minimum qualifying donation of £300 towards the Appeal. Ladies and Lewises may qualify to become Festival Stewards on making a minimum donation of £150. Only Festival Stewards will be entitled to attend the Festival and dine upon paying the dining fee. Qualified Freemasons are also entitled to apply for a Festival jewel and Ladies a Festival brooch. Higher Honorifics Qualified Stewards may wish to become a Vice-Patron, Patron or Grand Patron of the 2012 Festival by paying or promising to pay a higher amount towards the Appeal: · Vice-Patron - £600 · Patron - £1,200 · Grand Patron - £3,000 These qualifying amounts include the £300 paid to become a Steward. Ladies and Lewises may obtain Honorific Rank in the Festival for half those amounts shown.
  7. QUOTE (David Jones @ Jul 26 2012, 05:20 AM) QUOTE (-X- @ Jul 26 2012, 04:38 AM) QUOTE (David Jones @ Jul 25 2012, 06:52 AM)на планке же написано, управляющий На планке написано Steward. Каким образом это ассоциируется с управляющим непонятно ? В данном случае - Steward - масон заплатившиий минимальную сумму для поддержки фестиваля + дополнительную сумму денег (Steward registration fee) за что и получил данный знак -- The Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmoutshire Charity Jewel. Спасибо. А откуда такая информация? В каталоге прочитал.
  8. QUOTE (David Jones @ Jul 25 2012, 09:25 AM)QUOTE (teoretik @ Jul 25 2012, 05:05 PM) А на знаке - Монмутшир. Графство в Уэлльсе. http://monmouthshirepgl.org.uk/ - Ваш линк к масонам не имеет никагого отношения это R.A.O.B. We are the Grand Lodge of England This introduction is not a literary composition on the origin and development of the R.A.O.B., Правильный линк-- The Masonic Province of Monmouthshire http://www.monmasons.org.uk/
  9. QUOTE (David Jones @ Jul 25 2012, 06:52 AM)на планке же написано, управляющий На планке написано Steward. Каким образом это ассоциируется с управляющим непонятно ? В данном случае - Steward - масон заплатившиий минимальную сумму для поддержки фестиваля + дополнительную сумму денег (Steward registration fee) за что и получил данный знак -- The Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmoutshire Charity Jewel.
  10. QUOTE (David Jones @ May 18 2012, 10:07 AM)если я правильно понял, клеймо X, обозначает согласно таблицы, 1922 год, а на самом знаке стоит 1923 год, т.е. сам знак был изготовлен в 1922 году, для вручения в 1923? Правильно.
  11. http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=29019 https://www.ugle.org.uk/discover-freemasonry/blog/annual-investiture-2023
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